Seattle Public Schools

Environmental Health Issues and Water Quality

Drinking Water Quality Program

Drinking Water Quality at Seattle Public Schools

Seattle Public Schools considers student health and safety as a top priority. In 2004, our School Board adopted a Drinking Water policy and we implemented a set of rigorous protocols which established nationally recognized standards for safe drinking water quality in public schools. Those included periodic testing of each drinking water source in each school, coupled with reporting of the results.

In 2021, the Washington State legislature adopted new laws that reduced the levels of lead in drinking water that will meet their standard. The new legislation also requires that all water quality testing be conducted by the State Department of Health (DOH) or by contractors certified by them. Seattle Public Schools can no longer perform sampling and testing that will comply with the new requirements.

Water Quality School Report

Historical results for all schools are still available online. You can find reports for each school (generally a summary of the current status, and results for ten years of testing performed between 2010-2020). 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do any drinking water fixtures in SPS schools test above 10 ppb for lead?

Do any SPS schools non-drinking water fixtures, like sinks, test above 10ppb lead?
Some do. When that happens, we post a sign reminding students (and everyone else) that it is not a drinking water source. Students and staff are made aware that our fountains/bubblers are the drinking water sources and that sinks are not drinking water sources. As the EPA points out, “Bathing and showering should be safe for you and your children, even if the water contains lead over EPA’s action level. Human skin does not absorb lead in water.”

What is the standard in Seattle Public Schools?
In 2004, SPS adopted the Drinking Water Quality Program that established the lead level at 10 parts per billion. Our standards exceed the national standard of 15ppb.

How often are drinking water sources in Seattle schools tested for lead?
Every three years. Our testing program is somewhat unique, in that we are one of only a few school districts in the state to regularly test drinking water for lead. Our local levies support this additional level of safety for our students, staff and families. There is no state or federal standard that requires or recommends that schools test for lead in drinking water.

How many drinking water fixtures are in the school district?
There are approximately 2,600 drinking water fixtures in our schools.

Does drinking water contain lead?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), virtually all drinking water contains some amount of lead. This is largely because of plumbing materials used in water systems. Congress addressed the issue in 1974 when the Safe Drinking Water Act became federal law. This law requires municipal water sources like Seattle Public Utilities to provide safe drinking water that meets EPA requirements.

Is there an acceptable level of lead in drinking water?
The EPA has established a lead action level of more than 15 parts per billion (ppb). Therefore, according to the EPA, the acceptable level of lead in drinking water is 15ppb or less.